undefined undefined Brigham Young Family Cemetery
Brigham Young Family Cemetery
Sign outside the Brigahm Young Cemetery, Salt Lake City Utah
Closed for the winter season.
Physical Address
140 E First Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 
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Brigham Young Family Cemetery

Brigham Young Grave sculpture
 Located in the Brigham Young Family Cemetery, 140 1st Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Near the northeast corner of Temple Square is the burial site of Brigham Young and several of his family members. Brigham Young was the second President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After his death on August 29, 1877, he was buried in a family cemetery on his property in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.

A plaque honoring the hymn, "Come, Come, Ye Saints."  Located in the Brigham Young Family Cemetery, 140 1st Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah.
A statue of Brigham Young reading a book to his children. The statue resides at the Brigham Young gravesite.

Members of the Young family and others used a family cemetery on the property rather than providing a burial place in the large city-owned cemetery. Aside from Brigham Young, other marked graves in the cemetery include his wives Lucy Ann Decker, Emmeline Free, and Eliza R. Snow as well as his children Joseph Angell Young and Alice Young Clawson. The majority of the graves in the family cemetery are unmarked.

On June 1, 1974, the 173rd anniversary of Brigham Young’s birth, the Brigham Young Family Cemetery was dedicated as the Mormon Pioneer Memorial Monument. A statue in the center of the park honors the 6,000 Latter-day Saint pioneers who lost their lives while crossing the western plains of the United States to Utah. Other monuments in the cemetery honor the life of Brigham Young and other early Latter-day Saints.  

The Brigham Young Family Cemetery is open daily to the public for walking the grounds.

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