undefined undefined Discover New York and Pennsylvania Historic Sites

Discover New York and Pennsylvania

When the Smiths moved to Manchester, New York, they were like any other family looking to make a better life for themselves. Yet, in the spring of 1820 when Joseph entered the woods on their property to ask God a sincere question, the family and the nearby area would never be the same. The surrounding area along with other small towns in western New York and northwest Pennsylvania would serve as the cradle of the restoration of the Church of Christ. The following resources will help you to better understand the beginnings of that restoration.
New York and Pennsylvania are places of historical significance to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
The Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York, is where Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, visited young Joseph Smith Jr. in 1820.
The Hill Cumorah is the place where Joseph Smith met with the angel Moroni and obtained the gold plates from which the Book of Mormon would be translated.

Learn About the New York and Pennsylvania Historic Sites

The New York and Pennsylvania historic sites are where events central to the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took place. The Sacred Grove, Hill Cumorah, Priesthood Restoration Site, Whitmer Farm, and Grandin Building all tell a story of faith, perseverance, and hope. They have been preserved for visitors to enjoy either in person or virtually.
Learn how the Smith family’s move to Palmyra, New York prepared a young Joseph Smith to receive the First Vision.
Follow the Book of Mormon from the Hill Cumorah to Grandin’s Press.
Explore how essential priesthood authority was restored to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. 
Learn more about Joseph Smith’s preparation to organize of the Church on April 6, 1830.
Virtual Tours
Unable to visit in person?
Experience the historic sites through a live virtual tour.

Additional Learning Resources

Discover more about the history of the Sacred Grove and Smith Family Farm.
Learn more about the Aaronic Priesthood being restored.
Learn more about the history of the Melchizedek Priesthood being restored.
Read about the sacred events that took place in New York and Pennsylvania.
Dive deeper into the Saints chapters with these podcasts episodes that provide insights from Church historians.
Follow the story of the first vision in this informative miniseries podcast from the Joseph Smith Papers.
Explore the story of the restoration of the Priesthood in this miniseries from the Joseph Smith Papers.
President Nelson and other Church Leaders speak about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, answering questions and sharing testimony with children and youth.