Tours in New York and Pennsylvania
These tours are available at the historic sites in New York and Pennsylvania.
Guided Tours
Smith Family Farm
Location: Sacred Grove Welcome Center
Missionaries will lead you on a tour of the two homes at the Smith Family Farm: the Log home, and the Frame home. You will also visit the historic Stafford Road. The tour usually takes between 40 to 60 minutes.
Missionaries will lead you on a tour of the two homes at the Smith Family Farm: the Log home, and the Frame home. You will also visit the historic Stafford Road. The tour usually takes between 40 to 60 minutes.
Grandin Printshop: Book of Mormon Publication Site
Location: Grandin Printshop
Missionaries will lead you on a tour of the Grandin Printshop where you will learn more about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, as well as the printing process. The tour is generally 30 to 40 minutes.
Missionaries will lead you on a tour of the Grandin Printshop where you will learn more about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, as well as the printing process. The tour is generally 30 to 40 minutes.
Peter and Mary Whitmer Farm
Location: Whitmer Farm Visitors’ Center
Missionary led tours of the Whitmer Farm begin in the Visitors’ Center with an introductory film followed by a tour of a reconstructed cabin near where the home of Peter and Mary Whitmer once stood. The tour lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Missionary led tours of the Whitmer Farm begin in the Visitors’ Center with an introductory film followed by a tour of a reconstructed cabin near where the home of Peter and Mary Whitmer once stood. The tour lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Priesthood Restoration Site
Location: Priesthood Restoration Site Visitors’ Center
Missionary led tours begin in the Priesthood Restoration Site Visitors’ Center with film presentation and then proceed to a tour of the reconstructed Isaac and Elizabeth Hale Home and Joseph and Emma Smith Home. The tour lasts approximately 45 minutes.
Missionary led tours begin in the Priesthood Restoration Site Visitors’ Center with film presentation and then proceed to a tour of the reconstructed Isaac and Elizabeth Hale Home and Joseph and Emma Smith Home. The tour lasts approximately 45 minutes.