Gospel Library Public Beta

Before major releases of the Gospel Library app (and sometimes before minor releases), the Gospel Library development team sends a beta version of the app to users who opt in. The purpose of a public beta is to get feedback on new features and to find major issues that may have been overlooked in previous stages of testing.

Pre-release builds undergo a limited amount of testing before being sent out publicly, and the highest priority of the development team is to ensure that user data, including notes, annotations, and study plans, is safe. However, there are no guarantees of overall stability in pre-release builds.

Before participating in a beta, make sure that you’re signed in with your Church Account and that recent annotations are safely synced.

How to join the beta


  1. Go to the regular store listing for Gospel Library on the Google Play store.
  2. Scroll down to Join the beta (near the bottom) and tap the Join button.
  3. Confirm by pressing Join again.
  4. When a new beta build is available, it will appear in Google Play automatically as an update.

Note that there may not always be a current beta build available. More information about beta testing on Android, including instructions for leaving the beta, can be found in the Google Play documentation.


  1. Go to Settings > Send Feedback.
  2. Send a message requesting access to the iOS Gospel Library beta.
  3. The support team will forward the request to a member of the development team, who will add you to the list of beta testers.
  4. When a new beta build is available, an invitation for testing through TestFlight, Apple’s beta testing system, will be sent out by email with additional instructions.

Note that there may not always be a current beta build available. More information about beta testing on iOS, including instructions for opting out of the beta, can be found in Apple’s TestFlight documentation.


  1. Go to the Gospel Library Beta listing on the Microsoft Store.
  2. Tap Get.
  3. When a new beta build is available, it will appear in the Microsoft Store automatically as an update.

The Windows Gospel Library app is developed by volunteers. For more information, open this link on a device that has Windows Gospel Library installed: gospellibrary://content/Volunteer.