Temple Stones Pavilion

Temple Stones Pavilion


The Temple Stones Pavilion is an additional Temple City experience. This interactive space on the property of master stonecutter William Jones presents the journey of a block of stone from the quarry to its final place in the walls of the temple.

Historic Nauvoo
Temple Stones Pavilion Tools
Historic Nauvoo
Historic Nauvoo

What to Expect

The Temple Stone Pavilion is an interactive space with activities such as sawing, chiseling, polishing, and lifting limestone. Missionaries will provide protective glasses and gloves, and activities must be done with their supervision.



  • There is parking available in a lot north of the Temple Stones Pavilion on Young Street.
    • There is no designated accessible parking. However, the size of this parking lot will be able to accommodate visitors’ vehicles with accessibility needs if the lot is not full.

Mobility Accessibility


  • This is an outside experience without steps.



  • Street:
    • If approaching from Weeks Home: Asphalt (fair condition); sloped
    • If approaching from the Gheen Home: Asphalt (good condition); level
  • Sidewalk:
    • If approaching from Weeks Home: Compacted granite path with a wood footbridge across a drainage ditch (excellent condition); level
    • If approaching from the Gheen Home: Compacted granite path (excellent condition); sloped
  • Terrain: Compacted granite


  • Two benches