Sharing Time: When He Comes Again
December 1999

“Sharing Time: When He Comes Again,” Liahona, Dec. 1999, 12

Sharing Time:

When He Comes Again

“Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

At Christmastime our thoughts and hearts turn to a little baby born in Bethlehem. All over the world, people join in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of a baby is a wonderful thing, but we celebrate the Savior’s birth for a very special reason. It has to do with Easter. Without Jesus Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection, which we celebrate at Easter, no one would celebrate Christmas.

All the prophets had promised Jesus Christ would come into the world to be our Savior and Redeemer. He came to earth to die for us so that we could live again with our Father in Heaven. He also came to show us how to live. We are so grateful to Jesus Christ for what He did for us that we honor His birth by celebrating Christmas. At Easter, we remember and honor His Atonement and Resurrection.

There is another day we will someday celebrate: the day when Jesus Christ will return to earth. The same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem, who was crucified, and who rose from the dead will come to earth again.

After the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, angels promised His Apostles that He would come again (see Acts 1:2–3, 9–11). Modern prophets have also told us of His return (see D&C 29:1, 11).

When the Savior comes again, He will bring peace for the nations and safety and joy for all the righteous. Those who love Him will be prepared to meet Him at that day. We can prepare now by showing love for others and by listening to the whisperings of the Spirit. We can prepare now by keeping His commandments and by following His example.


Make a three-sided picture box by mounting page 13 on lightweight cardboard, cutting around the wood frame, folding along the dashed lines, and gluing the long sides together. Fold and glue the end panels in the order given (see illustration). Place your box somewhere special to remind you of the Savior, His birth, His Resurrection, and His Second Coming.

The Second Coming

Detail from The Second Coming, by Harry Anderson; detail from The Birth of Jesus and The Burial of Christ, by Carl Heinrich Bloch, both courtesy of the National Historic Museum at Frederiksborg in Hillerød, Denmark

Jesus Christ was born for me.
Jesus Christ will come again!
Jesus Christ suffered and died for me.

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Post a wordstrip reading, HOW WOULD YOU PREPARE TO … ? Give classes or individuals these completions to the question: … grow your own fruits and vegetables? … cook dinner? … build a house? … get a perfect score on your math test? … have an important guest come for a few days? Have each class act out what they would do; let the other children guess what the preparation is. After the last presentation, tell the children that Someone important is coming. Sing “When He Comes Again” (Children’s Songbook, 82–83; Tambulilit, April 1993, 8–9), and ask the children to listen for the things the song suggests we do to prepare for the Savior’s Second Coming. Tell the story of the ten virgins (see Matt. 25:1–13) and ask what the oil represents and what we can do to fill our lamps today (see “I Believe That Jesus Will Come Again,” The Friend, September 1995, 10–11).

  2. Invite recently returned missionaries to share with the children how people in other parts of the world remember Jesus Christ at Christmastime. Or invite families in the ward or branch who have Primary-age children to share something special they do at Christmastime to remember Jesus Christ. Encourage them to bring items the children can look at.
