The Publication of the Book of Mormon
January 2009

“The Publication of the Book of Mormon,” Liahona, January 2009, F6–F7

From the Life of the Prophet Joseph Smith

The Publication of the Book of Mormon

Adapted from Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith (Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society course of study, 2007), 8–9, 135–37; and History of the Church, 1:71–80.

The Publication of the Book of Mormon, left page

Illustrations by Sal Velluto and Eugenio Mattozzi

In 1829 Joseph Smith, with the help of his scribe Oliver Cowdery, finished translating the Book of Mormon.

Oliver, the Lord is pleased with us.

Now we just need to publish this great book.

Joseph and Oliver went to Palmyra, New York, and spoke to Egbert B. Grandin, a printer.

We need 5,000 copies of this book as soon as possible.

It will cost $3,000. Since you want so many copies and this is such a big book, it may take me over a year.

Several months later Mr. Grandin became worried that Joseph would not pay. He stopped the printing of the Book of Mormon until he could be sure.

I mortgaged my farm to print the Book of Mormon. That should put Mr. Grandin at ease.

That’s wonderful, Martin!

The Publication of the Book of Mormon, right page

Mr. Grandin had a new press that made the printing process much faster than earlier presses. Still, it took him a long time.

Mr. Grandin, we’re almost finished, and it has been only seven months!

I don’t completely understand how.

Once the Book of Mormon was published, the Lord commanded Joseph to organize the Church. On April 6, 1830, about 60 people met in the home of Peter Whitmer Sr.

Welcome, brothers and sisters.

The members sustained Joseph as the prophet and took the sacrament.

Though the Church started out with just a few members, Joseph later told some brethren in Kirtland about its destiny.

It is only a little handful of priesthood you see here tonight, but this Church will fill North and South America—it will fill the world.
