When beginning a job search, the first place you might naturally turn to are online job boards. But many employers will consider applicants from other sources before they turn to job databases for help filling a position. Why? Because an employer will often first interview candidates they personally know or are recommended to them.
This means that a majority of job openings are filled without ever being posted publicly. So where do employers get their applicants? How can you find a job in a competitive job market?
According to recent studies, 85% of job placement comes from networking. Networking is meeting and interacting with others to exchange professional information and contacts. Often networking results in hearing about job openings before they are even posted. Read this article to learn more about networking and how you can use it to find a job.
To learn where employers get their applicants, it is important to understand the process an employer goes through to hire new employees. Employers often look at a smaller pool of applicants before turning to online job boards, so it is important to make a good impression even before a job becomes available. Using effective networking techniques, meet and impress the boss before a position opens. Once you have made a positive impression, you may be at the top of the list of potential hires when a position opens.
When an employer sees a need in their company and a position appears, they often consider current employees first. In many cases they also invite their staff to recommend qualified acquaintances to be considered. If you have networked and established good relationships with employees who work in the company, you may have the advantage of being recommended to the hiring manager.
After the employer reviews internal applicants and those with whom they have an established relationship, they will then often post the position on a job board. As a result, make sure to diversify how you find job openings. Job boards are one component, but don’t forget to spend most of your time networking and building strong relationships with the organization.
There are many great approaches you can use to find the job you are looking for. Click on each of the examples below to learn more.