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- Instructions for Curriculum 2016
The Power of the Gospel in Your Pocket
With more gospel resources available in digital formats, we can seek inspiration, share the gospel, and prepare for Sunday quorums and classes on our electronic devices—anytime, anywhere.
Instructions for
Unit Annual Curriculum Order
Wards and branches should already have printed copies of most of these materials.
Consider the following questions to help you avoid ordering more printed copies than needed:
> How many printed copies of each item does your unit already have available?
> How many teachers and members use digital versions of materials rather than printed copies?
To order print materials, visit store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and click on Unit Materials. You may order unit materials beginning August 10, 2015. Please place your order no later than September 30.
Materials for Those with Disabilities
You may also download or order accessible materials for those with disabilities.