Scripture Stories
Chapter 9: A New Home in the Promised Land

“Chapter 9: A New Home in the Promised Land,” Book of Mormon Stories (1997), 25–26

“Chapter 9,” Book of Mormon Stories, 25–26

Chapter 9

A New Home in the Promised Land

promised land

The ship carrying Lehi’s family crossed the ocean and arrived at the promised land. The people set up their tents.

planting seeds

They prepared the soil and planted the seeds they had brought.

many animals

As they traveled around their new land, they found many kinds of animals. They also found gold, silver, and copper.

Nephi writing

God told Nephi to make metal plates to write on. Nephi wrote about his family and their travels. He also wrote the words of God.

Lehi talking to family

Lehi grew old. Before he died he talked to his sons and told them to obey God’s commandments. He also blessed his grandchildren.

Laman and Lemuel angry with Nephi

After Lehi died Laman and Lemuel became angry with Nephi and wanted to kill him. They did not want Nephi, their younger brother, to be their leader.

Nephi and righteous leaving

The Lord told Nephi to lead the righteous people into the wilderness. They traveled for many days and finally stopped at a land they named Nephi.

people talking

The people who followed Nephi obeyed God. They worked hard and were blessed. Nephi taught his people to build with wood and metal. They built a beautiful temple.


Laman and Lemuel’s followers were called Lamanites.


The Lamanites did not obey God and were cut off from His presence. The Spirit of the Lord could not be with them until they repented.

Lamanites fighting Nephites

The Lamanites were full of mischief and often fought the Nephites.
