The Gospel and the Productive Life (Religion 150)

“The Gospel and the Productive Life (Religion 150)” Institute Primary Electives Student Readings (2016)

“Gospel and the Productive Life (Religion 150)” Student Readings

The Gospel and the Productive Life (Religion 150)

Student Readings

Note to students: You are not required to read any of the suggested materials that are not available in your language.

Lesson 1: The Plan of Salvation for Heavenly Father’s Children

Lesson 2: The Guidance of the Spirit

Lesson 3: Setting Goals and Managing Time

Lesson 4: Managing Financial Resources Wisely

Lesson 5: Faith in Jesus Christ Gives Us Power to Provide for Ourselves and Others

Lesson 6: Providing for Self, Family, and Others

Lesson 7: Recognizing and Developing Talents and Abilities

Lesson 8: Each of Us Can Help Build the Kingdom of God on Earth

Lesson 9: Becoming Self-Reliant in the Lord’s Way

Lesson 10: Seek Learning by Study and by Faith

Lesson 11: Selecting and Becoming an Eternal Companion

Lesson 12: Observing the Laws of Physical Health

Lesson 13: “These Things Shall Give Thee Experience”

Lesson 14: Honoring Covenants

Lesson 15: Serving One Another
