undefined undefined Lesson 20: ‘All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman’
Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 20: ‘All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman’

“Lesson 20: ‘All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman’” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (2001), 14

“Lesson 20,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide, 14

Lesson 20

“All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman”

Ruth; 1 Samuel 1

Study the following scriptures:

  1. Ruth 1–2. After her husband dies, Ruth goes to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. In Bethlehem, Ruth works in the fields of Boaz, who treats her kindly.

  2. Ruth 3–4. Ruth lies at the feet of Boaz, and he promises to marry her. They marry and have a child.

  3. 1 Samuel 1; 2:1–2, 20–21. Hannah is blessed with a son, whom she lends to the Lord as she promised. She is later blessed with more children.

  • What did Ruth give up by going to Bethlehem with Naomi? What did Ruth gain by going with Naomi? (The gospel of Jesus Christ; see Ruth 1:16.) What can we learn from Ruth about making sacrifices for the gospel?

  • How do you think Hannah felt about giving Samuel to the service of the Lord? What does the Lord ask us to give him? What should our attitude be about giving to him?

  • What righteous qualities did Ruth, Naomi, and Hannah exemplify?