undefined undefined Lesson 25: ‘Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord’
Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 25: ‘Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord’

“Lesson 25: ‘Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord’” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (2001), 17

“Lesson 25,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide, 17

Lesson 25

“Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”


Study the scriptures discussed here and as much of the book of Psalms as you can.

The book of Psalms is a collection of poems originally sung as praises or petitions to God. Many were written by David. This book is like a hymnal from ancient Israel.

Many psalms prophesy of Christ’s mission as the Messiah. Note the fulfillment of the following prophecies about Christ that are written in the book of Psalms:



Psalm 69:20

Mark 14:32–41

Psalm 22:7–8

Matthew 27:39–43

Psalm 22:16

Mark 15:25

Psalm 22:18

Matthew 27:35

Psalm 22:1

Matthew 27:46

Psalm 16:10

Acts 2:31–32; 13:34–35

Read the following psalms that express gratitude to the Savior for his mercy, forgiveness, and love: Psalms 23; 51; 59:16; 78:38; 86:5, 13; 100:4–5; 103:2–4, 8–11, 17–18.

Read the following psalms that teach the importance of trusting in the Lord: Psalms 4:5; 5:11; 9:10; 18:2; 56:11; 62:8; 118:8–9.

Read the following psalms about the temple: Psalms 5:7; 15:1–3; 24; 27:4; 65:4; 84:1–2, 4, 10–12; 122; 134.