undefined undefined Lesson 3: The Creation
Sunday School: Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 3: The Creation

“Lesson 3: The Creation,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide (2001), 3–4

“Lesson 3,” Old Testament Class Member Study Guide, 3–4

Lesson 3

The Creation

Moses 1:27–42; 2–3

Study the following scriptures:

  1. Moses 1:27–42. Moses receives a vision of God’s creations and is commanded to write an account of the Creation of the earth.

  2. Moses 2:1–25; 3:1–14. Moses learns that God is the Creator of all things.

  3. Moses 2:26–31; 3:7, 15–25. Moses learns that men and women are created in God’s image.

  • What has God revealed about the purpose of the Creation? (See Moses 1:39; Abraham 3:24–25; see also 1 Nephi 17:36.)

  • Which of God’s creations are especially beautiful to you? How would we be benefited by noticing the beauties of creation more carefully each day?

  • How do the creations “bear record” of God? (See Moses 6:63; Alma 30:44.)

Additional reading: Abraham 4–5; Genesis 1–2.