Scripture Stories
Chapter 34: Elijah and the Priests of Baal

“Chapter 34: Elijah and the Priests of Baal,” Old Testament Stories (1980), 132–35

“Chapter 34,” Old Testament Stories, 132–35

Chapter 34

Elijah and the Priests of Baal

wicked Israelites

There were some wicked people in the kingdom of Israel. They worshiped an idol named Baal. There were 850 priests of Baal. They were wicked priests.

Elijah and Ahab

The prophet Elijah talked to King Ahab. He told Ahab to bring all his people to a mountain. Elijah wanted the wicked priests of Baal to come, too.


Elijah said they must choose to worship God or Baal. They could not worship both. It is wicked to worship idols.

Elijah and priests of Ahab

Elijah wanted to show the people that idols have no power. Elijah asked for two bulls for a sacrifice. He asked for some wood. He gave a bull and some of the wood to the priests of Baal. He kept a bull and some wood for his sacrifice.


Elijah told the priests not to burn the sacrifice. He told the priests to pray to their idol. He said Baal must burn the sacrifice.

wicked priests

The wicked priests prayed to Baal all morning. They jumped on the altar and shouted. Baal did not answer. Baal was only an idol.


Elijah told the priests to pray louder. He made fun of them. He said their idol must be sleeping.

wicked priests praying

The wicked priests prayed louder and louder. They prayed all day. Baal did not answer. The priests’ sacrifice did not burn.


Elijah told the people to come close to him. Elijah told them he would pray to God. He said God would send fire down from heaven. God would burn his sacrifice. Elijah built an altar of stones. He dug around the altar. Elijah put the bull and some wood on the altar.

men pouring water

Elijah asked men to bring four barrels of water. He told them to pour the water on the sacrifice. Then he asked the men to bring four more barrels of water. Again they poured the water on the sacrifice. He told them to bring four more barrels of water. They poured the water on the sacrifice, too.

Elijah praying

Elijah prayed to God. Elijah wanted the people to worship God. He asked God to help him.

sacrifice and altar burning

God sent fire down from heaven. The fire burned Elijah’s sacrifice. It burned the wood and the stones. It dried up all the water. The people saw the power of God. They knew the idols had no power. All the wicked priests of Baal were killed.
