
My favorite way to shut things out while I'm partaking of the Sacrament and thinking of Christ is go into the Book of Mormon and turning to Moroni Chapters Four and Five and reading the Sacrament Prayers because when I read the prayers, that's what I concentrate on. And that way it's kind of like a blinder on horses. You can just shut everything out and just focus on your Scriptures with Spirit with you. And it helps a lot. It really does. And I think it makes the whole Sacrament process a much more significant and much more sacred event when you can have such an example such as Christ and to know what you're doing the exact same thing that he's done. And that you are breaking the bread and blessing the bread and the water. Sometimes I just bow my head and ask myself, what have I done this week that I need to repent of and be forgiven of? I've had a problem with my mind wandering during the Sacrament. And what I do-- this really helps me-- is I get out the hymn book and open it up to the Sacrament Hymn that we've just sung. And I read through the words of the hymn and think about what they mean and focus on the meaning. Because the Sacrament Hymns, they're perfect. They set your mind into the mode that it needs to be to remember the Savior and that helps me to focus on what I'm there to focus on.

There was a great love then Jesus showed us when He took our sins upon Him. And I feel that that was a pain for him, but since He loved us He was willing to do that for us and prepare a way for us. And I know that's true. But just taking the Sacraments-- it's just told me that I-- that He's going to be there always for me, even through those really bad times.

And He's helped me. You need to repent because if He's waiting for you and if He loves you so much to sacrifice Himself, then He's going to want you to be with Him again.


(Luke 22:1-20) A doctrinal explanation of how the Lord's justice and mercy affect us. Segment 2 - Testimonies.

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