Audio Collections
Latter-day Saint Women
Rebecca Mehr | How Priesthood Power Offers Divine Help to Every Woman
Rebecca Mehr | How Priesthood Power Offers Divine Help to Every Woman
Rebecca Mehr | How Priesthood Power Offers Divine Help to Every Woman
Earlier in her life, General Relief Society Council member Rebecca Mehr experienced the pain and disappointment of divorce. In this episode, Rebecca shares how the divine help available to women through priesthood power and authority has shaped her eternal perspective on trials and hope. Rebecca offers insights into the hard-earned lessons learned through her unexpected life experiences, and the ultimate joy of becoming a stepparent and grandparent through her second marriage to Daniel Mehr in 2007. To those in the midst of life's messiness, Rebecca offers her assurance that the Lord "consecrates our afflictions for our gain."
Rebecca Mehr Biography
Church News Article: Rebecca Mehr: Essential partners in the work of salvation and exaltation
President Dallin H. Oaks: The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood
President Russell M. Nelson: A Plea To My Sisters
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Publish Date
Sep 16, 2023
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Latter-day Saint Women