undefined undefined Mihaela Ganea King - "After The Trial of Your Faith"

Mihaela Ganea King - "After The Trial of Your Faith"


Mihaela Ganea King - "After The Trial of Your Faith"

Have you ever wondered in the middle of a trial or challenge to your faith “Where is God? Why doesn’t He answer me or help me?” Today’s guest Mihaela shares how she has learned that the witness of God’s love and involvement in our lives comes “after the trial of our faith” (Ether 12:6). Mihaela was born in Romania and migrated to California, USA as a teenager with her family. With enthusiasm and authenticity, she shares how she has faced and overcome trials to her faith, including receiving her own personal witness of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a young woman investigating the Church. Mihaela also discusses how she put her trust in the Lord as she pursued education in music, lived in New York City as a young adult, faced the heartbreak and confusion of infertility, and witnessed the miracles that followed, including learning from and loving a son with disabilities. Resources:
Disability Resources
Publish Date
Aug 13, 2024

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