
Sister Sharon Eubank | Compassion Is A Way of Life


Sister Sharon Eubank | Compassion Is A Way of Life

On today's episode we are excited to welcome Sister Sharon Eubank, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency and director of Latter-day Saint Charities, as we learn about Alice C. Smith (1913-2006)-- a fascinating former Relief Society general board member, college educator, diplomat and missionary. We'll discuss Smith's relevant 1969 discourse about visiting teaching (or ministering, as it is known today) and hear Sister Eubank share her own thoughts on what Christlike service looks like, how we can minister with greater compassion and direction from the Spirit, and why we need to "replenish" and fill our own souls in order to best serve others. "Each year as the church grows, the need for visiting teachers (ministering sisters) will grow greater. What is their future? They will help combat the loneliness which plagues our world and impersonality of the big cities. They will look after the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the wounded, and distressed, after all sisters with concerned, loving care. ...They will help relieve physical, emotional, and mental suffering. They will aid the sinner and comfort the sorrowing. They will carry a message of gospel love to all our sisters throughout the world. As their warm, tender care spreads its web around the world, they will become a standard to the nations." - Alice C. Smith
Publish Date
Oct 28, 2023

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