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Book of Mormon Videos Images
2 Nephi 31—32
2 Nephi 31—32
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Children listening as Nephi teaches
Children listening as Nephi teaches
Nephi and his wife teaching
Nephi and his wife teaching
Nephi and his wife teaching
Nephi and his wife teaching
Nephi and his wife teaching Nephite children
Nephi and his wife teaching the Nephites
Nephi and his wife teaching the Nephites
Nephi explaining the doctrine of Christ
Nephi hugging the children
Nephi teaching baptism and the doctrine of Christ
Nephi teaching children
Nephi teaching the Nephites
Nephi teaching the Nephites
Nephi teaching the children
Nephi teaching the people
Nephi teaching the people
Nephi teaching with his wife
Nephites listening as Nephi teaches
Nephites listening to Nephi as he teaches
Nephites listening to Nephi teach
The Land of Nephi
The Land of Nephi