The Daily - 2019

A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.
Join us Monday through Friday to hear inspirational stories, news, events, quotes from Church leaders, and more for your daily uplift.

Sep 16, 2023

When You Feel You Don't Fit In

None of us is perfect. We shouldn’t expect it of ourselves or of others. But we can always try a little harder to be a little better. I hope that even when we feel alone or like misfits, especially in church, we can remember he who “is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief,” and echo the apostle Paul by saying, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou has the words of eternal life.”
2 women embracing - Forgiveness, Ministry of Reconciliation

Dec 14, 2022

Looking Ahead for the New Year

Many New Year's traditions have one thing in common: They represent sending out the old and welcoming the new. They represent hope for good things to come. We should always be looking ahead, not dwelling on the past. As we approach this new year, let’s look forward with faith, learn from the past, and look to the future.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Your Body Is a Temple

Our bodies and their abilities are testaments to God's existence and power. When we understand our divine nature, we will use our bodies to focus on divine things, and we will grow both physically and spiritually as we progress toward eternal life.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Healthy Habits

It’s important to remember that all of Heavenly Father’s directions are for our good. He knows best how we can be healthy and happy. The Lord promises that if we keep the Word of Wisdom, we will have health, wisdom, knowledge, energy, and strength.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Spiritual High Ground

We need to get to and stay on spiritual high ground. As we remain strong in our covenants and close to the promptings of the Lord, we will be prepared to resist Satan's “flaxen cords,” as the prophet Nephi called them, and we will never be ensnared by his “strong cords.”
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

All ten virgins represent believers, members of Christ’s church. Their lamps represent spiritual preparedness, from faith and testimonies to good works. So how can we make sure we have enough oil in our own lamps, when we don’t know when Christ will come again?
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Justice and Mercy

God will always handle justice, and he will do so perfectly, but of us it is required to forgive all men. As Mother Theresa said, “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Our job is not to condemn, correct, and control. Our job is to love.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Pahoran’s Patience

If not for Pahoran’s graciousness and Christlike example, there might have been large rift between the Nephites’ two top leaders. Let’s remember to emulate Pahoran’s attitude whenever we may hear things that could flare our tempers, and assume the good, and doubt the bad about those we love.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

May 16, 2024

Counsel with the Lord

When we face struggles and trials, we often visit counselors. And getting the help we need is always a good choice. But Jesus Christ is the ultimate counselor. He knows how to succor his people.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Exactness and Honor

There is no justification in sacrificing our integrity just because we think that everyone else is doing the same things we are. God expects us to live according to his standards, and his commandments, not the world’s.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

When He Is Grown, He Will Not Depart from It

We always have the option to return to what we were taught is right. It may take time. Loved ones may not change in this life. But the opportunity is always there.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Touring the Tabernacle

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in California created a life-size replica of the ancient Tabernacle of Moses. Everything about the structure helped ancient Israelites orient their lives toward the Messiah. Touring the tabernacle was an eye-opening and faith-strengthening experience, but we don't have to see a replica to have faith and gain understanding from the Spirit.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022


Paying tithing is an expression of love and gratitude to a generous and merciful Heavenly Father. We need to remember that really, we’re not giving him 10%. He’s giving us 90%.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Nothing Shall Be Withheld

Are we making use of today's ever-expanding knowledge? Are we learning out of the best books? Are we seeking after the things of God? As we do these things, we will be more prepared to learn line upon line and precept upon precept.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

When the Wind Blows

How can we learn to "sleep when the wind blows?" How can we withstand the mighty winds and storm? We must build our lives on the foundation that is Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

The Bitter and the Sweet

Life can be hard. But when we keep an eternal perspective, we can choose to remember that opposition in all things is part of Heavenly Father’s plan for us. It allows us to grow toward what he wants us to become. The ability to taste the bitter is also the ability to taste the sweet.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Truth and Change

It’s easy to look at changes and wonder how God could be unchangeable. But these changes reflect our understanding and preparedness for a higher law, not a change in God or his doctrines and principles.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Finding Gratitude

As we examine our lives, we can choose to find gratitude for the goodness and the blessings that come with difficulty and disappointment.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Not an Imposter

We are not imposters. We need to remember our loving Heavenly Father. He knows everything about us, from our best to our worst, and he loves us anyway.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Brush Strokes

When we do seemingly small things on a regular basis, we are building up the brushstrokes of a beautiful masterpiece. Our homes will be strengthened as our faith grows. As Alma taught, “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

I Can Do All Things

Many times in our lives, we are asked to do hard things. But when we turn to Christ, we will be given strength to bear these burdens, just as he strengthened the people of Alma that their burdens became light.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Skiing Lessons

How often do we let negative experiences color our perceptions? Are we giving others who have offended us the same allowance we would want in their place? We must reach out to those who have been forgotten, allow others to make up for bad experiences of our own, and resolve to judge things for what they are instead of for the situations that may surround them.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Liken the Scriptures

As we liken the scriptures to ourselves, we can find comfort and peace in our troubles and trials. We cannot choose which of these we face; only how we respond to them.
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.

Dec 14, 2022

Forgiving and Forsaking Offenses

As Elder Holland reminded us, "Let us not burden our remembrance with a heaviness that's gone."
A laptop computer sits on a white table with white painted bricks. There are some plants in vases also on the table. "The Daily" is displayed on the display.