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Agency and Accountabiity
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Agency and Accountabiity
Agency and Accountabiity
An array of Church leaders explain the values of free will, liberty, and choice as they relate to following the commandments, avoiding the captive nature of sin, and choosing peaceful responses to life’s indignities.
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A Day When
Act for Themselves
Becoming Strong in the Lord
Can Ye Feel So Now?
Choose Not to Be Offended
Choose Wisely
Elder and Sister Bednar- Can I...
Good, Better, Best
Highlight: A Priceless Heritage of Hope—Henry B. Eyring
Highlight: The Choice Generation—Randall L. Ridd
Highlight: Where Your Treasure Is—Michael John U. Teh
Highlight: Your Four Minutes—Gary E. Stevenson
Highlight: “If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments”—Robert D. Hales
I Will Give Myself to Him
Individual Agency
Obedience to Law Is Liberty
The Fall
The Lord Has a Plan for Us!
The Ten Virgins
Things to Act and Things to Be Acted Upon
This Way to Safety
To Act or Be Acted Upon
We Are "Free to Choose"