Grabaciones de transmisiones y eventos en vivo
Eventos para los jóvenes
Preguntas en los eventos Cara a Cara
Preguntas en los eventos Cara a Cara
Vista en cuadrícula
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President and Sister Oaks answer questions from youth
¿Qué son las conferencias Para la Fortaleza de la Juventud?
¿Cómo harán los niños y los jóvenes un seguimiento de sus metas?
What have you felt impressed to do as a result of our discussion?
Comentarios iniciales
¿Qué es lo nuevo de este programa?
¿Seguiremos utilizando Ven, Sígueme? ¿Tendrán un lema los hombres jóvenes?
How do I deal with coming home early from a mission?
How are youth working together as quorums and classes?
Video: You can do this as a quorum or class
Video: You can do this as a family
What have youth learned on goals, revelation, and overcoming obstacles?
President and Sister Oaks answer questions about motivating youth
¿Cómo serán el servicio y las actividades en el nuevo programa?
What does it mean for God to have a plan for me?
How can those struggling with pornography feel hope?
What have youth learned about the new program so far?
How has this program and Come, Follow Me helped you as a family?
Video: You can do this individually
President and Sister Oaks share closing remarks
How can we have hope for the future?
Will there be a medallion or other forms of recognition? (Strive to Be)
Opening video and song: Come Ye Children of the Lord