Image Collections
Primary Visual Aids Cutouts Set 1
Primary Visual Aids Cutouts Set 1
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Primary Visual Aids: Cutout 1-10, Mexican, Central, South American Mother and Father
Primary Visual Aids: Cutout 1-11, Bishopric
Primary Visual Aids: Cutout 1-4, Middle-Aged Mother and Father
Primary Visual Aids: Cutouts 1-1, Boy in Wheelchair; 1-2, Blind Boy with White Cane; 1-3, Girl with Vision Problem with Glasses
Primary Visual Aids: Cutouts 1-12, Left Ear; 1-13, Right Ear; 1-14, Feet; 1-15, Open Eye; 1-16, Closed Eye; 1-17, Head of Young Girl
Primary Visual Aids: Cutouts 1-18, Girl from U.S.; 1-19, Girl from South America; 1-20, Girl from Africa with Hearing Aid; 1-21, Girl from Japan
Primary Visual Aids: Cutouts 1-5, African Boy; 1-6, Two Older Boys and Child at Meetinghouse; 1-7, Year-Old Child, Toy with Colored Rings; 1-9, Girl Playing with Little Brother
Primary Visual Aids: Cutouts 1-8, Mexican Teenager with Hat and Serape; 1-24, Boy from Germany; 1-22, Mother, Child; 1-23, Boy