Simple ways to make work fun: “Have your children pretend to be puppets, robots, or soldiers. Wind them up and let them do their work. Scrub to music, especially fast, rousing music. Hold family ‘panic-pickup-time.’ Set your timer and see how many things can be picked up and put away in ten minutes. Play ‘Beat the Clock.’ Time a job to see how much time it normally takes to complete it. Then set your timer and race against the clock.”—Family Home Evening Resource Book, “Making Work Fun”

Simple Ways to Make Work Fun

Simple ways to make work fun: “Have your children pretend to be puppets, robots, or soldiers. Wind them up and let them do their work. Scrub to music, especially fast, rousing music. Hold family ‘panic-pickup-time.’ Set your timer and see how many things can be picked up and put away in ten minutes. Play ‘Beat the Clock.’ Time a job to see how much time it normally takes to complete it. Then set your timer and race against the clock.”—Family Home Evening Resource Book, “Making Work Fun”

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