“Sometimes we get overstimulated by news, and by people talking, and by social media, and by everybody’s opinions, and maybe with all the noise we don’t always hear the Spirit and what the Lord has to teach us. If we block out all of that noise, we can allow for music to teach us what’s true.” Dr. Sonja Poulter, director of BYU Women’s Chorus and previous member of the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square, shares the powerful impact music can have on our lives and worship. As a member of the hymnbook committee—a small group tasked with compiling a new worldwide hymnbook for the Church—Sonja gives insight into the global nature of the song submissions and review process. She shares her love for the women she works with as director of BYU Women’s Chorus, and her admiration of their passion and individuality. Sonja encourages women to find ways to incorporate more music into their lives and their study and their homes, and urges everyone to allow themselves to sing, regardless of musical abilities.
Resources: Updates on Hymnbook revisions YouTube video featuring BYU Women’s Chorus The Latter-day Saint Women podcast is also available on
Apple Podcasts,
Google Podcasts,
Spotify, Saints Channel App, and the
Gospel Library app.