
Let's talk to that family. Our goal: find, teach and give a Book of Mormon. It was... really scary. It starts with a plan. Mastering Chapter 8 is the basis of becoming an effective missionary

It's a gospel of happiness and a plan of happiness. It's about seeing people change and seeing them feel happiness and joy like they've never felt before. It's a good experience, but it's not all great. It's the hardest thing I've ever done. -We're missionaries. -Get down. It's an amazing experience to take part in helping someone come unto Christ.

Without planners, I'd be lost. This is what a planner should look like.

There are seen and unseen forces preparing these people's hearts. The Lord gave us two years to devote to Him and to be missionaries.

Work begins as soon as you get off the plane. I can help people in many ways.

We have great expectations for ourselves.

Preach My Gospel helps us become the missionary we want to be.

Each morning, I think of the people we're going to visit. I think of their situations or what they're going through. I think of them at night, too, because we pray at both times.

Now that I know how to plan, I don't worry when I think of them. I know what we're going to do. I know what they need. I know how we'll teach them. Our plan makes mornings easy. We keep track of everyone. Elder Reis is a great missionary from Hawaii. He is very warm, loving and good-spirited. He teaches well and loves the people.

Eder Bernal is fun-loving. He wants to work and is bold. He is a convert of two years. He has a big heart and wants to help people.

Our schedule helps us to be effective, but it takes getting used to. We are more effective when we take an hour and a half to exercise, prepare and get our minds going with study, planning, and preparing for our investigators.

Everyone thinks missionaries are just ready, that they don't have to work and aren't nervous, as if they're not real people, they're just missionaries.

Sister Payne has many qualities. She's candid, capable, prepared, and aggressive in a good way. She knows Preach My Gospel.

It's so important to have a schedule in the morning so you can get everything done. Sister Myers is a perfect example of quiet dignity. She leads by example. Through her mission, she has acquired attributes of Christ. She always radiates the Spirit.

The missionary schedule is very different from normal life. But we need to serve His way. When we do, everything is better. Elder Hallam is solid as a rock. He is humble and quiet, but powerful. He is a wonderful trainer. He may continue to train because he's so good at it.

Missionary Training Center Provo, UT I'm Elder Walkenhorst. Right now I'm at the MTC. aux gens que l'on rencontrera. Preach my Gospel teaches us how to teach. In class you see how what you learn will apply to people you'll meet.

Before our morning companionship study, we always have a prayer In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Kaleb called to say that it's not at 7:30. -They can't make it until 8:15. During companionship study we can finalize our plans for the day and make sure that everything we do focuses on the needs of the people we serve. In this lesson, our focus is to commit Jackie and Kaleb to live the Word of Wisdom. We'll have about 20 minutes. We'll begin with the scripture, explain His work and His glory and how it makes us happy. Planning always helps because it gives you a starting point. We'll base our lesson on Moses 1:39. Preach My Gospel is great because we can pray and talk about it. Then we decide what to teach, share experiences, and testify. Then it's a great time to ask follow-up / application questions. Okay. Then commit her to live it. Yes. Let's not wait until the end of the lesson. As long as we have a plan, we have prepared something, so I think Father knows... I love having a plan. I want to do that every time. but if you go in there and do something different, I won't be mad. Don't worry about it. Father, we're grateful we can teach Kaleb and Jackie this evening. Please help us follow our lesson plan or if need be, to depart from it as the Spirit directs. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Before going to teach the lesson we weren't feeling the Spirit. I knew that there was no way we could teach that lesson. He asked for a blessing. After, I felt inspired to share an experience. When I got out of the car, I told Elder Bernal this will be a good lesson. This morning I had to go to the doctor's. Two years ago I was in a bad car accident. The medical healing took a year. And just recently again, in the past six months I've had the same pains coming back. This whole day has been tough for me to deal with.

But before coming over here I asked Elder Bernal if he'd give me a blessing to help me cope with what I've been going through. And he did, so lovingly. I sat in the chair, he stood behind me. He placed his hands on my head. He gave me one of the neatest blessings I've ever heard and has ever been given me. I felt such comfort and peace through that blessing. I knew God was listening to me, that he knows my situation better than anyone else and knows exactly what I'm going through.

The message we want to share with you tonight is that, Jackie and Kaleb, God loves you both so much. He wants you to be happy and receive that fulness of joy and He will give it to you as long as you're worthy of it. We'll teach certain commandments to you tonight particularly the Word of Wisdom, like His alternative scripture, the Book of Moses. If nothing else, it sets the tone for that lesson because the Spirit was so strong between the two of us. Jackie, could you read that for us? For behold, this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of Man. So we see from this short verse that God's glory and happiness comes not from Himself but from seeing you happy and from seeing us happy. That's where God gets His joy and His happiness. God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, so imagine the blessing it is that He gave us our bodies. Our job is to take the best care of them that we can. Open the Doctrine and Covenants, which is at the very back. Sister Lee, read those first.

And again, strong drinks are not for the belly but for the washing of your bodies. And again, tobacco is not for the body. Why do you think He wouldn't want us to drink or put these things in our body? -Because they're harmful. -Yeah. Exactly. No alcohol, no coffee, drugs, tea, or tobacco. Even coffee? Wow. It's so strong people can become addicted to it. Many people say, When I wake up I have to have my coffee? That's my mom. Before I was taught about this, I loved to drink ice-tea. My dad, he had this thing. He called it his famous ice-tea when my brother and I were really little. He'd put it out in the sun, he'd bring it in and we'd put it in the fridge for a couple of hours and we'd be so excited just to wait for it to get cold. We'd get it out and we'd pour a big glass of ice-tea. I had grown up drinking that. But I prayed about it.

And I wanted to know and...

The overwhelming feeling that came to me is exactly what Sister Lee said, because the Lord said so. Because He knows better than us. Ever since that day, I've never had it again. From what we've taught, what is our Word of Wisdom? It's something hard to follow; very hard. I've tried before. Have you tried to follow it as close as possible? and you've been able to feel that difference? I've fallen away a lot. I've had some bad experiences that went along with that I could tell the difference, definitely. There's going to be rough times. God doesn't expect perfection. But He definitely want us to try our best in all things. I know and I promise you if that if both of you commit to live the Word of Wisdom and you do your best to follow God's commandments, you will have happiness and joy that you've never felt before. Jackie and Kaleb, will you commit to live the Word of Wisdom.

-Yes. -Yes. -Awesome. That's wonderful. -I'll do my best.

I promise He'll bless you. That's the promise of a prophet from the scriptures. We say all this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. -Amen. -Amen. When you share an experience like that, when you kind of deviate from your original path you just have to have confidence enough to know that it's the Spirit prompting you to do it.

Planning should be a spiritiual experience. We try to prepare a lesson that creates an opportunity for the Holy Ghost to testify to their hearts. We pray for each of our investigators, especially Laura. As we teach her tonight, she'll know what we teach is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Let's look at our record and see exactly where she's at.

Okay. We taught her the restoration, the plan of salvation, and then we covered baptism very thoroughly. What do we want to have happen? I mean, ... what's the commitment that we want to extend?

-I'm not sure. -I'm not sure, either. What do they need... ...that will help them to progress in the gospel? What will help her to recognize her answer?

I really liked the list we read on Sunday from Preach My Gospel. Chapter 4.

If we will turn to Preach My Gospel, we're shown how to do it. She said how it gives her feelings of peace and comfort. It guides her. Do we want her to pray and learn if the Book of Mormon is true and recognized it? Or just pray and recognize a peace from God? I think we should focus on the Book of Mormon. So we want her to recognize that the Book of Mormon is God's word and to commit her to pray about what we taught to be true.

And if we're prompted, commit her to be baptized again? We've invited her at least two or three times already.

And if we can help her to recognize her answer tonight, -then yes, definitely. -Okay.

Right. You can receive that inspiration for them as you plan so you can prepare lessons for them. You'll teach these people and not just teach the lessons. I think she's taken lessons about three or four times. With two sets of missionaries each time, so eight, nine sets. As we read the Book of Mormon, the Spirit guides us and we receive the answers that we need through prayer. How's your reading been going? Good. I actually read it, all of it, but I... We read it again, just to... -Which part? -Mosiah 3 all the way till... I've read 1 through 6. Did you read this too, Brother Lowder? -I did. -Okay. She made me re-read the whole thing.

It says a few times in 3 and 4 that we have to repent and have faith. Having true faith is what I have a little trouble with. You guys know that. I don't know, because you have great faith in Jesus Christ. For salvation cometh to none such except it be through repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ. That tells us that we need to gain that faith. That's why I say you have great faith, Laura. Since you believe strongly in Jesus Christ and you know what you should do and you act on it immediately, which is amazing. We admire the faith that you do have. I'm that way too, aren't I, Sister Payne? And you are that way, Brother Lowder. -Very much. -Thank you.

How's reading the Book of Mormon influenced your life, Laura? It helps me have a better peace. How has it influenced your life, Brother Lowder? It seems to make a difference. It makes things easier.

Do you accept the Book of Mormon is God's word, Laura? Like I said before, I used to think, Oh, no. Because it's not the Bible... it's not weird when you read it. Hopefully, as I read it more, -they'll start to mesh as one. -Uh-huh. As opposed... Because I see it like this. God has brought forth the Bible and the Book of Mormon, to work together and to support all the doctrines of Christ. It's vital to remember that if the Book of Mormon is true, this is Jesus Christ's Church. And He did call a prophet. We'd like to invite both of you to pray together to specifically ask God if the Book of Mormon is true,

Will you do that?

-Yeah. I will. -Yeah. I know also that the Book of Mormon is true and that through them we have the word of God to raise our families and to teach our families the things that we need to know and do to get back to Him again.

What questions do you have on what we've discussed today?

None. I just have a comment from reading Mosiah. It seems need to get some faith very quickly since the alternative does not look very good. I mean... We won't be completely perfect before baptism, but when you have the faith to say, Okay, I'll do it because that's what You want me to do, then that's trusting in Him and showing Him your love. Then He will bless you to be able to do it. Laura, before we go, will you say the prayer? Sure.

♪ Forward, pressing forward ♪ ♪ As a triumph song we sing ♪ ♪ God our strength will be Press forward ever ♪ ♪ Called to serve our King. ♪ Tomorrow morning, we pack up and get on a bus about six in the morning and head to the airport. ♪ Hasta ver, hasta ver ♪ ♪ Hasta vernos con el Ray con el Rey ♪ ♪ Hasta ver, hasta ver ♪ ♪ Para siempre Dios esté con Vos. ♪ -You're a positive guy. -I hope so. -I'll miss you, man. -It'll be great. Have fun. I love you.

I worry that I don't speak as well as I would like, so it's hard not to be frustrated.

Elder Walkenhorst. How are you? -Cómo está? -Bien. Bien? Magnífico.

We meet them at the airport, give them a hug...

...and now they're part of our mission What do you want to do while you're in your mission?

Whatever...whatever's asked. How do you feel about Preach My Gospel? It's really good. It has lots of helpful insights. Great. This mission is a Preach My Gospel mission. It is a baptizing mission. We take the responsibility to serve the Lord and bring others to Christ very seriously here. Well, go get 'em. I'd say, you become a missionary by doing it, basically.

Could we have a Book of Mormon, Elders? Who's got them? When they first said, you know, We're giving a Book of Mormon to you to place tonight, I was just like, Uh... can I do that?

They've just thrown me in the deep end.

Elder Walkenhorst: Show me how it's done. Elder Davis: You're going to show me, okay? -Hey, how are you doing? -Whoa. Oh, don't be scared. We're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Oh, OK. Do you know anything about the Church? Tell me something. We believe the Book of Mormon to be God's word, like the Bible. It has teachings and prophets that can help you with your life and give you direction. We'd like to give you the chance to read the book, if you wish. Do you have much of a background in the Bible? Yeah. I won't take this from you. Do you go to church much? No, but I read my Bible every day. I read the Bible. I turn to it every morning when I wake up.

Elder Davis: Teach him about the restoration.

Well, the Book of Mormon, you know, is a record of ancient scripture that was given to Joseph Smith. He was the first prophet of the Mormon Church. I was surprised. He was teaching and then he said, You try. I thought, This is for real. I don't want to mess up. -Okay. I'll take one and I'll read this. '-Okay. -See you all later. -You take care. It definitely gives you more confidence, having a chance to actually talk and meet with people. It was exciting.

We found Jackie and Kaleb in our Area Book right when we first got in here. We have planning sessions each week. When we first get to the area, we get the Area Book and we prayerfully selected a few names and we saw Jackie's name and we called her up. It was amazing to see how God truly does prepare those people, because the name was there. Hi! Knowing that they picked my name out of tons of names made me feel very special and important. Like a sign from God saying, This girl needs help. What would you like to focus on with them? So now we have another lesson with Jackie and Kaleb and Elder Reis and I sat down to prepare that lesson for them, lesson 3 on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We had everything planned but then Elder Reis had to give a baptismal interview elsewhere. So we had to do an emergency exchange where Elder Hallam came with me. In the car, we quickly went over what we were going to teach. We were going to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then focus on baptism and living the law of chastity. We weren't too prepared regarding who would say what. Those first five minutes were brutal. They were rough. I was thinking of a story in the New Testament. Erm...

And Jesus Christ, He's going around and He's healing people and He's teaching the people. And that's in Luke... Let's see if I can find it.

And he flips. And he flips. I mean, it wasn't his fault. He had five minutes to figure out what was going on in the lesson.

Are you familiar with much of, you know, the work... I mean, not necessarily in detail, but I'm sure you've heard lots of the stories about Jesus, that he did a lot of things for many different people and... -Have you found that? -No. Okay. What we do is open up to a different scripture and it's in the Book of Mormon. Right at that moment I thought, Okay, prayer will need to take a big role in this lesson or else it's not going to go anywhere. But after we started praying for each other, that's whatever... It just started to flow. It was a little shaky as far as the teaching at first, but the Spirit took over well and it ended up well. Faith is really what starts it. Before we really get going, Brother Lee, what... Would you tell us a little bit about your faith in Jesus Christ and how it motivates you to act on something?

I think my faith in Jesus Christ is base on the love that I feel when I know that I'm acting as He's commanded me to act. And because I can see or feel the blessings which we have been promised, upon the things that we do,

it brings happiness and joy. I want to continue feeling that, so I want to continue acting in the way that He's asked.

That's exactly what it is.

There's something Christ did that's very important, very specific, before the Atonement. And if you flip the page over and you look at that picture...

That picture is... It's when Christ was baptized. And there's a scripture here. Jackie, will you read that?

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Okay. It says being born of water and of the Spirit, and what He's talking about is baptism. And when we're baptized, all of the sins and all of the wrong things we've ever done in our lives are wiped away. They just... They're gone. God remembers them no more. And like Elder Bernal said, it's an outward expression of our willingness to follow God. I know that the Lord blessed us so much for that preparation. Even though I'd not idea Elder Reis was going to be gone, that's just that perfect example right there of why we plan for things like that. If you're on the freeway and you're speeding and an ice-cream man comes and starts honking his horn, playing the annoying, loud music you hear all summer, and tries to pull you over and write a ticket, what'll you do? That's a guy that's selling ice-cream. -Tell him to get lost. -There you go.

Now, what will you do if you're in the car going 15 over and a Texas State Trooper shines his lights on you, pulls you over, and writes you a ticket. Tell him to get lost? -No. -No.

That's because he has that authority. Right?

So that's what it is all about. Having the right intent, wanting to repent, but also making sure you go about it by having someone who has that proper authority.

That same power Christ says was restored to the earth too, and it's found in His church once again on the earth today. That we have the opportunity to prepare ourselves and to be baptized by that proper authority of God.

Jackie, any questions about that or does it make sense? -It makes sense, yeah. -Okay. That's how our Father in heaven, as He's here as we're talking, He's hoping we'll all make the right decisions eventually. So, when can I get baptized?

That's the perfect answer. That's the perfect question, I mean. She was so prepared by the Lord. I don't feel we did a whole lot. We only brought these things to her remembrance. We were just being the tools, the Lord's instruments. -It makes sense, right? -Yeah, it does. Since I was baptized, as I said, in the Catholic Church, but I was a baby. I don't even remember it. It would make me feel better if it was my decision. Right.

So we've been discussing the law of chastity we're living a lot. Mm-hm. Because we're made clean when we're baptized. And so we stop doing things that would keep us... So it must be after marriage and all that. Mm-hm. That's why we've been talking to you about marriage or about, if you don't want to get married, then, you know, getting separate apartments. If you start living the law of chastity right now, and then you're baptized and receive the Holy Ghost, instantly, you will have all those sins washed away. You're going to feel that burden you said you feel... You know, you feel a bit guilty that you're living together. Yeah. How would you like to know that that can be completely removed? -It would feel good. -It would be great. Yeah. And that decision needs to be made by you two. We can't make that decision for you or force that upon you. But I can promise you that God will bless you by doing that, by living the law of chastity. Is that something you'll do? Will you live the law of chasity and work towards 18th February as your baptismal day?

-Yes. -Yeah, Mm-hm.

Awesome. I'm so excited for you.

I'm pretty excited. Obviously, planning is really important always and you definitely need to plan. I was a bit worried if we should even stick to our plan but we began praying for each other when we were teaching and after about five minutes the Spirit really took over and it just ended up being a really good lesson.

In the next chapter of The District... Elder Hallam, he's going to be training. And he'll be training Elder Walkenhorst. Elder Walkenhorst, fresh off the airplane yesterday.

I had completely blanked and I couldn't remember what we were there to teach him. I just wonder why in the world I'm here, you know.

I've no clue what my purpose is. -Really?

Kaleb Norman Derry, do you take Jackie Lynne Narcoli as your lawfully wedded wife?

The District Part 1

The missionaries learn the importance of planning to be spiritually prepared for lessons.

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