Missionaries constantly meet new people. they're usually with other people, and each person is a child of God. They all deserve the opportunity to learn about Christ. You need to love finding. Sometimes we're so busy we forget that there's people all around us. We pray that God will help us find these people. It is important to both find and teach with the Spirit. Everyone around us needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Spirit helps you love the people. You see them in the same way that God sees them, and you want to share the truth with them. We are not alone in finding.
God is helping to prepare these people to receive the message of the restoration. You need to remember the importance of Jesus Christ and our faith in Him. We don't know who's in that house, but the Lord does. He can lead us to those people who are prepared to receive the gospel. When you find those people that that the Lord has prepared, and start to teach the message, you can see the light come to their face. There are many different ways to find people. It's not just knocking doors. Knocking doors is important, but it's really important to follow all the ideas in Preach My Gospel. When you think about all the people you've taught, and think about how they were when you started to teach them, when they were baptised, and a year afterwards, you can see their progress. They have so much potential. If we don't open our mouths, and if we don't have the courage to talk with them, then we're denying them blessings. We're denying them the chance to accept or reject it and use their agency. As we live the gospel and learn about the Savior, we want to do the Lord's work even more. Everyone needs to hear this message, and we've been called to spread it.