
Through prayer you will receive inspiration about what investigators need. Sometimes you'll have a thought that We need to teach them this, or They need this scripture. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this opportunity to plan. We ask thee to be with us, that we may be guided by the Spirit. Bless us with thy Spirit that we may be guided and make the plans Thou would have us make so we can help your children. We ask that Thou will bless us with the Spirit, so we will understand the needs of those we've planned for. I think we often pray for very general things, and just repeat things You just pray for everything. If you are very specific, you receive specific answers. Bless each investigator. Bless Laura, that she will receive answers to her prayers to know the church is true. Bless Sheila that she will understand the importance of being baptized once she knows the truth of Thy Gospel. Bless her with that desire. As we prepare for Jackie's baptism this week, bless that all will go well, and that we can work with Brother Roly, and that we can have the service planned. A missionary cannot do missionary work without praying to God for guidance, answers, and help. It's not possible. He leads the work. As we pray to Him, we can talk with our Heavenly Father and he will let us know what to do to bring his children back to Him.

Pray for Inspiration

“Pray for Inspiration” video from the Preach My Gospel series.

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