
I think companionship inventory is to help your companion see that you're here to serve him; that you're here for him, and that only together we can accomplish the given task.

Yes, companionship inventory. Get comfortable for this. -I have a long list. -I'll pass out the notes. I've got a long list. Where should I start? What are my strengths? There are a lot of them. Discuss the strength of your relationship with your companion. I think that a strength of ours is that we can communicate. We both know how to communicate with each other and voice our opinions. We work things out, because if we didn't talk, then this would not be a successful companionship. I really like that about you. You say what's on your mind and speak from the heart because you're very passionate. I wrote that down too, that we're both passionate. Not only about the Gospel, but about everything, and we can share that with power. I enjoy companionship inventory because you can stop and look at where you are personally and as companions. If we're not united and working on the same level with the same goal in mind, then we can't do anything. It's a good time to realign our personal goals and look at our companionship. What are some strengths and weaknesses of our companionship? As far as the companionship goes...

(Laughs) I'm sorry.

Sometimes it's a little awkward to just start talking about all of it. I mean, about the really personal things that are in your heart. You have to trust in your companion in order to open your heart and tell them what you feel. So it can be awkward at first, but once you start then it's fine. We are teaching more in unity now. I don't know if it's a strength because we still need work, but it's getting better. I think we're on the same page. We've been planning lessons well, which was one of our previous goals. It helps us to teach in unity. We want to know what goals we're teaching to each investigator. I think it's helped us. -Right. -A lot. We have both prepared equally. I think that has been one of the strengths of our companionship. There has been improvement. It wasn't as strong before. We need to be unified, and companionship inventory gives us the opportunity to discuss the things that may be preventing us from being a powerful companionship. We don't always agree. I think what helps most is when I look at it from your perspective, as crazy as it may be. We both have to be open to advice. What also helps is being able to share with others, and with one another what we can work on, as well as what is going well. We try to improve after each lesson, and discuss how it went, how we did and how we can improve. There's a special spirit that comes when you ask your companion for help. They can support you, and they recognize the desire that you have to be better. We're not just here to strengthen everyone else; we're here to strengthen each other. A personal goal that I want to work on this week is that I'm trying to write down more accurately what I've learned from personal or companion study. I make a goal in the morning, but I don't always follow through with it. Before each lesson or at the end of the night, I should repeat what goals I have set that day, and see how I'm doing on them. It would help if you could remind me to do that. I hope we're honest during companionship inventory. There's no point hiding anything. I can't think of anything specific right now, other than that when you give advice, make sure you do so in a constructive manner, like you said. If you do it in a way that seems defensive, then you may have noticed that I become a little defensive. Let's go through that whole process: listen to and accept the advice. When you start a companionship inventory, you need be humble and have a desire to change, a desire to be the best you can, and become the missionary that God wants you to be. Is there anything else that I can do to help you? Hmmmm... Just keep guiding me. Sometimes I really don't know what to do. You always tell me. (Laughs) Well, you help me. And I'm grateful, because you are patient and you teach by example in a loving way. I'm really grateful for that. Keep giving me suggestions of what I can do to improve. I know you have more experience teaching and with a variety of different people, so please teach me. Okay. I need to share more openly, because I usually don't, and you know that. That would help me as well. One of the things I'm working on is opening up to people, because I like to shut everyone out and just do my job. You have to have a prayerful attitude and an open, sincere heart to learn to repent and change. You both must have that desire so you can help each other and become one. You become stronger personally and as a companionship.

Companionship Inventory

“Companionship Inventory” video from the Preach My Gospel series.

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