
The Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ, has the nourishing power to heal starving spirits of the world. How have you felt, reading and applying these things?

Good, I guess. You know, life's a roller coaster. Life is a roller coaster. Life is hard sometimes. And the bad thing is my life is really not bad. I just wonder why in the world I'm here, you know?

Everybody you hear, they say, "I have a purpose in life." -I've no clue what my purpose is. -Really? You do the planning and you do the preparation, but then when you get in there, you let the Spirit guide and you try to teach that person according to their needs. There is a purpose for you here, and for you being married and having this family, and God knows that purpose. A chapter in the Book of Mormon talks about what our purpose is. It's Alma 34, verse 32. "For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God: yea, behold, the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors." That's what you're doing, preparing yourself, so that when you return to God you'll be ready and worthy, because you're His daughter and he wants you back. But what you're doing right now, reading the scriptures, praying, coming to church, living the Commandments, those things are of eternal importance, and they're going to help you be prepared for that day, and I know that God is pleased with your desire and the things you're doing now to follow him. The question that Laura asked, "What is the purpose of life?" is one of the soul's questions that the Book of Mormon answers, and as we study we prepare to answer those deep questions. You always wonder, "What can I study? What will help them?" So as you read and prayerfully study, God inspires you with what you need to share with them and what will help them, and it's really powerful, it all connects. Personal study goes into companionship study, and then as you come together in joint study, you build unity, and you prepare for those investigators, and then you go and teach them according to their needs, under that inspiration that you've been given.

Sister Steven, how did you know the Book of Mormon was of God? I don't think I ever doubted. Before I was baptized, we knew five wonderful families. They had something we wanted and I didn't know what it was, and why I was so blind to that, I'm not sure, but on the last day before one friend moved, she said, "If you need anything more in life, visit my church," as soon as she spoke, I knew what I wanted, and I've known a long time about the Book of Mormon. If I hadn't known of the Prophet and knew nothing else, a uneducated boy couldn't have translated the Book of Mormon. So based on that single event all the other facts I learned were just building blocks. It's so powerful when a member testifies about what we taught. It adds another testimony, another witness, to the truth. So we invite you to continue to pray and test Moroni's promise to pray about the Book of Mormon and the word of God, because when you know it's true you know everything else. Take time to sit down and read and then to kneel down and pray and ask specifically if the Book of Mormon is true and then wait and ponder and God will answer. She hadn't gained a testimony of Joseph Smith as a prophet yet. We still accent the commitment, but she must learn for herself. -Laura, will you say the prayer? -Sure.

Heavenly Father, we thank Thee we could meet here tonight and learn more about Thee. We pray we will take those things we have learned and pray about them so that we may know the truth, -In Jesus' name we pray. -Amen.

Questions of the Soul

“Questions of the Soul” video from the Preach My Gospel series.

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