
When I had a stroke, I felt I needed something to fill my life. And when that opportunity came to go to the storehouse, it was the best thing for me, that I wasn't just not being able to contribute anymore. And that's how it all came about. Our neighbor across the hall, here in our condo, served as a service missionary out at the bishops' storehouse. And he was telling us about it and actually encouraged us to go out there. And we did. And we talked to Larry, the supervisor, and then put in our mission papers. And we have been serving now for 18 months, and we have extended for six more. As people begin to get into their 70s, and 80s, and 90s, the world would have us think that there's nothing for them to do. The Lord, on the other hand, looks at the Nelsons and says, "Here is a couple that is ready to finally serve in a bishops' storehouse." I remember one day I was helping a lady that went through. She needed some help, some food. I couldn't converse with her very much. She just didn't want to talk. But when we were through, she went over and she sat by Elsa. There was a chair there by Elsa's wheelchair. And before we knew it, they were in a full-grown conversation. She just opened up to her so much that it just was inspirational really. It's easy to just lay back and think, "Oh, I'm not needed anymore." And I feel that I am needed. And that's been a testimony to me. I think that people need to serve whenever they can. And you're not only serving others, but you're benefiting your own life from the service. The two days that we go out there is--when we go to bed at night, we look at each other and say, "We go to work tomorrow." And maybe it isn't for everybody, to be on a mission. I always dreamt about, well, maybe one day we would go on a mission. And now we have fulfilled that. And that has made me happy.

Service Blesses Those Who Serve

Elder and Sister Nelson had planned to serve a full-time senior mission until Sister Nelson suffered a stroke that left her in a wheelchair. They were able to serve a Church-service mission at the bishops' storehouse.

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