
Some of the things that the world offers up-- the right job will make you happy, the right car will make you happy, making enough money-- and I just found myself living in New York, in my mid 30s, late 30s, successful at the trade that I'd always wanted to be successful at, and just pretty much miserable. Just completely unsatisfied knowing that what I wanted, I didn't have. But I just wasn't willing to make the changes in my life that I thought-- I thought I was going to have to give up all this stuff that was supposed to make me happy, if that's what I want. That was the big lie. We all have this place inside us that we want to have filled with the Spirit. And if you don't fill it with the Spirit, the world will be happy to fill it with something else. And usually, that something else is not particularly good for you. I wanted someone to teach me what I needed to know and what I needed to do, and that's what was missing. These young missionaries, they teach me about the plan of salvation, and that we existed with Heavenly Father before, and we made a choice to come here, and that there was something to us before we came here. Then we come to this world, we pass through this veil, we're brought here to learn, and to gain knowledge, and to gain certain experiences, and to temper our faith, and to test our faith. All those things. And then when it's done, we go back to Him. And the opportunities continue, and the progression continues. And, oh my goodness, it's like the heavens opened up all over again. It's like, yes! This is it! This is what's been missing. And suddenly, I was ecstatic, because-- I mean, let's face it. I mean, the question probably in most people's minds in the world is why am I here and what am I doing here? I need that answer. And these two 19-year-old guys gave me the answer, right there. I think for the first time in my life I could say, I know where I'm going. I know where I'm going. Don lives in Harlem, New York, with his wife and their three young children. He works as a theatrical technical supervisor on Broadway. Don was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in April 2000.

The Big Lie—Don

Don explains how only the Lord and His gospel can offer true happiness.

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