
Life before was--

I didn't know it was painful. I thought it was normal to drink every day and drown your sorrows at night. And I always kept everything in and tried to let the outside world think everything was fine. And keep everything in to myself, and not open up and not be honest with my family and with my kids. But now after joining the Church and being taught these solid principles about living an honest life and knowing that I am never alone, and that God is always with me, and that I'm never getting away with anything-- He's always with me and He always knows what's going on-- it's really a wonderful thing. And just being able to bring my children up in a home with love and with a Christ-centered theme is a huge change in my life.

Doug and his wife, Debbie Jo, live in Charlottesville, Virginia, with their three children. Doug and Debbie Jo were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in June 2002.


Doug discovers there is more to life and talks about repentance.

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