
Then Jeffrey passed the ball to Chris, who scored the goal. - That's good. - I got my report back. You know the one I did on Geology? - I got a B+. - B+. That's not too bad. Steve wanted to go skateboarding after school. But Mom said I had to watch over Matt while she was at the store. Yeah, well, that was good of you to do that for her. The band recital is on Thursday. Mr. Stamos says we're sounding really good. - No kidding. - I saw this new skateboard, Dad. It's so cool. I think I'm going to get it with my birthday money. Well, that'll be all right. Hey, John. You know, if you had one of these new vinyl fences, you - wouldn't have to paint it. - Yeah. But Bob, this gives Jimmy and I a chance to talk.


When you really listen, love is what they'll hear. But Dad, it's brand new. Tell me about your new game. How do you get past level two? Level two? Dad, we need to talk. From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And the quarterback is the one that--

The Fence

A father and his son paint their fence.

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