
I believed that if there is a God, God would have more to teach us than just the simple things that we learn at church. So I went to a different church. And as I do that, I also moved around as well. And every time I moved around, I'd go to a different church. And the teachings there were good, but it wasn't good enough to satisfy the unanswered questions of my heart. I always had things that didn't make sense to me. And every time I had the chance to ask the pastor, he would say, "Well, don't ask God. Let Him take care of that for yourself." But still in my heart, I felt that if God is truly the Father in Heaven that created us, He should allow us to know the answers to our life questions that allow us to have peace of mind and to have hope in life. And I'd keep searching and keep searching. And I didn't find anything until in 1998, when I married my wife-- that my wife and I are actually together-- we found The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Key was born in Laos. He met and married his wife in Australia. Today they and their five children live in Oakdale, Minnesota. He was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in July 1998.

Search for Truth—Key

Key describes his search to find answers to the questions of his heart.

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