
When I was 16, I was searching around for spiritual things. I was brought up Catholic. And I was very serious about religion, and I had a strong belief in God. And two of my friends also shared those same interests. One day my two friends, Peter and Philip, they went to this exposition. And at this exposition, there was a booth set up by the Latter-day Saints. There was a couple of missionaries there. And my friends Peter and Philip ran into these missionaries, and they came back and told me about it and told me about the story of the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. And it just, right then and there, it seemed to strike a chord with me. I was really interested about it for some reason. And what they had done was invited these missionaries to come visit them at the house. And I was intrigued by these guys. They seem to have a lot of faith. And they proceeded to tell us about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith and the Restoration of the gospel. And I was just really interested in the story and kept going to all the lessons. And eventually I took the Book of Mormon and I read it, and I just knew it was the word of God. I knew it came from above. There was no doubt in my mind. And soon after that, I was baptized.

Book of Mormon—Lenny

Lenny remembers the time he was given a Book of Mormon.

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