
Prior to 9/11, my life would appear to be the model of any kind of life anybody would ever want. I had a big house and a Mercedes, a BMW, a Jeep. I had an au pair and a housekeeper. I had a country club; I played tennis and golf and went to the gym. I had everything. And then my husband died. He called me in the morning, and I remember I was sitting at the table folding laundry. And he called to let me know that a plane had hit the first World Trade Center but that he was OK. I hung up the phone and just turned on the TV and a short while later watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center. And I just crumbled on my floor, on my kitchen floor. I was really so depressed that it brought me to my knees in earnest prayer to know if--I needed to know if Heavenly Father was there and if He could hear me. And I needed a testimony of our Heavenly Father, and that was something that was missing, and without that I couldn't find my purpose. At that point, I knew I had to go find a church. The church that I was in was not the church that I needed. It was not helping me to connect with my Heavenly Father. So in my search, I kept finding that there were these big road signs leading me to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I walked into the chapel, I knew that I had come home, or as close as I could be home on earth.

Sandy and her family live outside Atlanta, Georgia. She was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in December 2002.

Conversion Story—Sandy

Sandy remembers the trial of losing her husband in the 9/11 attacks and how this trial led her to find the gospel.

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