undefined undefined Nature of God—Richard

That's such a testimony to me that a 14-year-old plowboy with a second-grade education opens up the Bible to James 1:5 and asks, what's the truth? Then he goes out to a grove and he prays about it. And what appears to him?

Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I mean, it's set straight the whole notion of the Godhead and the Trinity. We talk about doctrine. Heavenly Father is not some spiritual dust out in the middle of the cosmos someplace.

That He is real. That He's flesh and bones. And someday we will be with Him. It's that simple. Richard recently retired as a computer technology systems analyst and moved with his wife, Holly, from California to Oregon. They were baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on March 19, 2006.

Nature of God—Richard

Richard explains how the Book of Mormon shows the true nature of God.

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