
I'd always studied the scriptures with my family, especially my granddad. He was the one that kind of did weekly study with us. But I didn't actually think that I would ever find a church with the right authority on earth. I looked; I did look. I looked at several different churches, but there was always something missing. And then I got in touch with the missionaries. Everything just makes sense. Everything they said made sense. It was everything that I believed, everything that I'd got from the Bible.

Yeah, there didn't seem to be any missing bit. It was just complete. And it was what I was looking for. To know that I could be baptized with the right authority was the big thing for me, because I knew that if it didn't have the authority from God, then it didn't mean anything. I just had this great desire to just know more and more. And every time I did find another truth, it was amazing. It was just such an exciting feeling.

And the desire become stronger and stronger, and I just couldn't get enough. There was never a dead end. There was always more to learn. And the more I learned, the more I read, the more questions I had, and the more answers I got. And ever since then, it's just-- it's felt like I'm coming home. It's felt right; it's felt comfortable. Nothing's missing. Yeah, it's like home.

Conversion Story—Samantha

Samantha shares how she finally felt that she had found the whole truth when she started meeting with the missionaries.

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