
Well, certainly my responsibility as a father is all those traditional things a father would do, like providing for them, teaching them to do certain things, disciplining them, reading them stories, all the things a normal father would do. But it's also my responsibility to teach them the gospel as well and make sure that they are brought up in a way that Heavenly Father would be pleased with. Now, Heavenly Father has actually entrusted me with two of His own spirit children. In that aspect, I could look at it as they're not actually really my children. They're Heavenly Father's. And He's entrusted me to raise them in that way. And so it really means I have to have regular scripture study with them. I have to teach them to pray. I have to let them see me doing the right things as well, and lead them, show them a good example.

Family and Children—Simon

Simon talks about how the gospel influences his role as a father.