
I serve as a Primary teacher. I serve as the assistant to the bishop. I work with the young women. A Mormon Church is composed of people that all live in a geographical area. We go to church on Sunday and it's about three hours long. The first hour is what we call our communion. We come together, and we take the sacrament, and we hear of the testimonies of other people. For the other two hours, we break according to our age group into other classes. We have classes that are for kids, which is Primary, and we have classes for teenagers and adults. Any service that you provide within the Church is a calling. No one gets paid. This isn't a job. I currently have a calling, and my calling is a ward temple patron. I'm a Primary teacher and I teach children about Christ. I help people start to research their family history. My responsibility is to coordinate service. I serve as a leader for our young women. I'm in Primary. I'm the librarian. I am the clerk for my congregation. I help plan activities. I'm the children's chorister. I serve with the young men. I'm the choir director. I'm a Scoutmaster. I happen to be the bishop here in our congregation in Southern California. It is a lot of responsibility. It's sometimes a difficult thing to do. A lot of times it's very rewarding. It's also comforting to know that there are lots of people that are doing the same thing that I'm doing. They're not necessarily an architect. They don't have the same number of kids that I have. They're not the same age that I am. But they're kind of working toward the same goal, which is to build the kingdom of God, really, in our area, and also to help the members of our congregation follow Jesus Christ.

Congregational Service

Church members describe the many opportunities to serve within their congregation.

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