
The Book of Mormon is records of people who had testimonies of Jesus Christ. And throughout the Church, you're always told that you need to find out these things on your own. Don't just rely on your parents. During that process of reading the Book of Mormon after the Bible, I just kept up regular prayers and just saying, "Help me to figure this out." Six months went by during this process, and I just was like, all right, these prayers have been so fluffy. It's been so wishy-washy. Towards the very end of reading the Book of Mormon, I pleaded really strongly to the Lord and just asked Him why. I just said, "Help me figure this out within a week." I got up off my knees, finished the prayer, and then just an overwhelming feeling came over me. And it was just this voice saying, "You know, and you've known all along that it's right and that this is true." I know the Book of Mormon is true because I took the time to question it and I took the time to ask my Heavenly Father. He's always said, "Ask. Ask me." Question it and bring it up, and you'll find out. And you'll know it's true for yourself.

How I Know the Book of Mormon is True

A young man describes how he came to know that the Book of Mormon is true.

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