
Here, try this. We're the Bourne family, and we're Mormon. We're members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nice shot. Good shot. It feels crazy busy right now. It feels like--but I imagine, honestly, I felt this way before we had kids. I felt this way before we had this many kids. I felt this way in college. So maybe no matter what's going on in your life, you feel like life is crazy, and you don't have time to do the things that you feel are important. Our family is the focus of our lives--our family and our faith. I want to have a happy family where people are kind to each other, treat each other with respect.

And I guess I want more than that when I start really thinking about it more, but I really want a happy family. If I was to try to summarize for somebody what our core beliefs are or what they stem from, they're centered around the fact that we believe that God is real, that He's our Father, that we're His children in the same way that I'm my dad's child. And that like my dad, He loves me, and He wants me to be happy. This is going to tip over and kill somebody. I mean, is this going to work for you? We're making cookies for us. Part of what the gospel is about is teaching us to live happily in family relationships. I don't think it's unique to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that we care deeply about our families, that somewhere deep down inside, we just know that that's what's important, that when everything else gets put aside, family matters. And the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us the importance of families but then teaches us how to really thrive in those relationships and enjoy them to the fullest. I guess first and foremost, I believe that God wants us to learn to live happily. And I think the more we can learn to live according to His commandments, the more we can learn to live like Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, the happier we'll be. And I think part of this plan to be here and to live as families is to learn how to live the way He wants us to and eventually be able to return and live with Him. My faith that God exists and if I allow Him to He'll direct my paths helps me to meet the issues that I face each day. I'm a Mormon because it makes me deeply happy. It gives me purpose. It has provided answers to some of what I feel have been my most important questions. It gives me perspective in life, in life's most important areas, and it brings me peace.

A Family Story

The Bourne family explains what's important to them and how they are drawing closer as a family by being members of the Church.

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