
On April 6 of 1830, in the home of Peter Whitmer Sr. in Fayette, New York, six men who had previously been baptized voted unanimously to organize, according to the commandments of God, the Church of Jesus Christ. We now call upon you to manifest whether you accept us to be your teachers in the things of the kingdom of God. We also call upon you to manifest your consent that we proceed to organize as a church according to-- We attended to our business of organizing according to the laws of the land, the Church acknowledging us six elders as their ministers.

This Church is the most glorious fabric that was ever established upon the face of the earth because it is God's church. It is the Church of Jesus Christ, unparalleled by anything else. Such is the Church, and such the organization that the Prophet Joseph was the means in the hands of God of restoring once more to the earth. He laid the foundation of this work.

Thus the Church of Jesus Christ was again in existence on the earth to bless mankind with the doctrines and teachings of the Savior.

Organization of the Church

(D&C 20) The Church of Jesus Christ is restored to the earth in 1830.

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