
From your position on the road of life, you young men have many miles to go and many choices to make as you seek to return to our Heavenly Father. Along the road, there are many signs that beckon. Satan is the author of some of these invitations. He seeks to confuse and deceive us, to get us on a low road that leads away from our eternal destination. In the beginning, when a powerful spirit was cast down for rebellion, "he became Satan, ... the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will." He and the spirits who follow him are still deceiving the world. Modern revelation declares that "Satan hath sought to deceive you, that he might overthrow you." Satan's methods of deception are enticing: music, movies and other media, and the glitter of a good time. When Satan's lies succeed in deceiving us, we become vulnerable to his power.

Satan Seeks to Deceive Us

(D&C 50:1-9) Elder Oaks admonishes how Satan seeks to deceive us.

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