
I know that many of you here are concerned about raising your children during these difficult times and increasing their faith. When my wife and I were starting our family in the San Francisco Bay Area, we had that same concern. At a critical point, our stake members were advised by Elder Harold B. Lee, then a member of the Twelve, that we could raise our families in righteousness if we would 1) follow the prophet, 2) create the true spirit of the gospel in our hearts and homes, 3) be a light to those among whom we live, and 4) focus on the ordinances and principles taught in the temple. As we followed this counsel, our faith increased and our fears decreased. I believe we can raise righteous children anywhere in the world if they are taught religious principles in the home.

A Light and Standard to the Nations

(D&C 115:5-6) Elder Cook teaches that the gospel is a light and standard to the nations.

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