
There's something about reviewing the lessons of the past to prepare us to face the challenges of the future.

What a glorious legacy of faith, courage, ingenuity those noble early Mormon pioneers have left for us to build upon. I think when we participate in a pioneer trek, it helps us to understand all the trials that our ancestors went through so they could get here and helps us to follow in their footsteps to keep living righteously. Former United States President Ronald Reagan has been quoted as saying, "I do not want to go back to the past. I want to go back to the past way of facing the future."

Embedded in the gospel of Jesus Christ there are eternal principles and truths. I'm not sure those early pioneers could've faced the perils and uncertainties of the future without them. And neither can we. They're the only true and eternal way to face the future, especially in these increasing perils and uncertain times in which we now live. How prepared are you to give witness and testimony to the truthfulness of these very basic lessons? The principles and the truths that we learn from the past that will help us the most, I think, are hard work-- just being willing to dedicate yourself totally to the Lord. And being able to do whatever He asks you. There's lots of temptations and distractions and stuff out there. So I think keeping the commandments and having faith and stuff-- it's still just as important with our trials today. We're almost there, girls! We can do it! The youth-- I think they are prepared, especially when they're living this gospel, because all the commandments help us to be even more prepared for the future, and it will lead us into a straight path. I think there's a lot of ways being in our Church to overcome trials. One is staying close with your family and reading the scriptures continually and daily prayer. You have to be better than us, because the world's going to require you to be better than us if the Church is going to go forward and you're going to accomplish the purposes. I think youth can prepare for the future by believing that they can always do more than they think they can. Kind of like yesterday when we were going up those hard hills, and we just had to keep going and keep going, even though we really had no idea where camp was. And it's kind of like life. When you're going through trials, you just have to know that you can make it through, and that you can rely on the Savior and our Heavenly Father to help us. He's helped me so much in my life-- the Savior has-- and I've gone through a lot. And heartaches, yes, but in the end He comes through for me, because if I'm doing what I'm supposed to, He'll help me through the rest. May we all learn the principles and truths of the past to help us face the future. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the divine way for us to face our glorious future is my testimony to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Reviewing the Lessons of the Past

Are you preparing for your future? Journey with us as Elder Perry teaches us how to prepare. Read Elder Perry's full address: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2009/10/the-past-way-of-facing-the-future

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