
Does the journey seem long?

We can still be strong.

We can make it; we can find what's good when truth's understood. We believe. [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We believe He'll deliver us from all we go through. [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We believe, and we hope, and we will endure.

[SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We believe in prophets sent down to the earth. We believe God's filling the world with His word. We believe that His power's been given to men. [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] And most of all, we know the scriptures are true. [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] [SINGING FOREIGN LANGUAGE] We believe. We believe in change unto life through His name. We believe in following Him all our days. We believe and have faith that He will change us within. We believe and we know, and we seek Him.

We Believe: Theme Song

Youth from around the world perform the theme song "We Believe."

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