
And behold, I tell you these things that you may learn wisdom-- that you may learn that when you're in the service of your fellow beings, you're only in the service of your God. My friend Carrie-- she came up with the idea for a club. I went on the Internet, and I found a site and it was about serving other people. And it said, what we can do now as youth. I came up with a mission statement and basically said that I wanted service to be something that you could see. It wasn't monetary. It was youth in action. That's where it got started. So that's kind of how it started. It started with Carrie. I don't know how many it was. 18 to start. 18 to start. It was 18 to start. Rebecca came up to me in English class and handed me a flyer and told me I should join, and I did. And she told me about wanting to start a club like this, and she asked me if I'd be interested. And I was like, yeah. And their very first service project, I believe all 18 of them showed up. And went and spent their whole Saturday morning. We packaged everything. Everything-- every sock, every bib, everything you could possibly imagine, into packages. And they thought that we weren't even going to get done. I think it was remarkable that a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds would take their Saturday morning and go serve. That was the moment that I knew that we were actually accomplishing something and that we were coming together as a community and that we could do something better.

Anybody can do service. It doesn't have to be a big thing. I mean, even the small things that you don't think about-- opening the door for somebody is a small act of service. Picking up somebody's pencil who dropped it-- that's also an act of service. And it just makes your life so much better when you serve other people. It's kind of like serving others not only gives the people that you're serving a boost, it gives yourself a mental and physical boost. Our Heavenly Father wants us to serve, because when you're serving others, you're not just serving another person.

You're serving one of God's children. And seeing the effect is what changes you. Not just giving money, because you don't see anything that comes of that. It's kind of like the only hope that we have left in this world is service and caring for others. Heavenly Father wants us to serve so we can become more like Him. We need to be able to learn something from feeling people's pain and their sorrows and maybe being able to lift a burden and making it become light. The effect that this club has had is that a lot of students are getting involved that wouldn't be involved in anything else. The community has recognized in just less than a year as being someone that they can call on. I think that they can make a huge difference just by people knowing that they care. They're not self-centered as we tend to believe teenagers are. If they're given an opportunity, the kids will serve. They want to help other people out, and they enjoy the camaraderie. They enjoy being around other youth.

When you're in the service of your fellowman, you could feel God there.

Youth in Action

A youth group establishes a service club and blesses many people in their community.

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